Monday, 7 November 2016

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome On The Signs Of The End Time
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome On The Signs Of The End Time. In this video, Pastor Chris spoke about the end times and the reason everyone should give their live to Jesus Christ. The urgency of the coming of Christ is so imminent that preachers all over the world should preach about the love of Christ. If you are really serios about growing your ministry or business, this course was designed for you. Get 80% discount to this course which gives you a lifetime access to all the course modules. Clcik here now and start learning

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Sunday, 6 November 2016

Prophet T.B Joshua's Prophetic Word On South Africa
Prophet T.B Joshua's Prophetic Word On South Africa Prophet T.B Joshua is known worldwide for his accurate prophetic utterances. When he prophesy about any country, his prophecies are always coming to pass. This video is a recording of the regular Sunday Service held at SCOAN, Lagos, Nigeria and great miracles, signs and wonders took place and many people were delivered and blessed by God. Enjoy the video. Visit my training course on how to grow your ministry or business with internet facility and get a discount of 80% when you enroll now, just click

prophecy 2106, t.b joshua prophecies, miracles of T.B Joshua, miracle healing of T.B Joshua, deliverance by t.b joshua, deliverance at scoan

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Saturday, 30 January 2016

God of Wonders 2

let's take a look at some of the great wonders God had performed among the sons of men in days gone by to appreciate some of the claims I am making in this write-up.

1. God rained down a type of bread called manna from heaven for the people of Israel for about forty years see Exodus 16:14. When you consider the fact that one of the physical laws of nature states that matter is neither created nor destroyed and in a way it is absolutely true as far as the physical world is concerned, even the Bible confirms this law in the book of Ecclesiastes 3:15. God had to suspend this law by creating matter out of nothingness, He gave them bread from heaven an action which no man can explain scientifically; an action which defiles logic of any sort.

2. He is the God that answered by fire to honor Elijah His servant at Mount Carmel see 2kings 18:30-39. Elijah had earlier asked that a lot of water be put into the sacrifice, yet the fire licked up the water. No science can explain the falling down of fire from heaven, an effect without a cause other than prayer. This should teach you that prayer is the greatest cause that can produce the greatest effect in this life. With the cause of prayer there was the effect of fire from on high, truly He is the God of wonders.

3. Jesus fed five thousand men excluding women and children with only five loaves and two fishes, and they were able to gather remnants that fill up twelve baskets. What a God of wonders. Read the whole story in John 6:5-12

4. Peter and John healed a man born lame see Acts 3:1-10. They met him on their way to the beautiful Temple at Jerusalem and offered him not silver or gold but the name of Jesus Christ which never stopped working wonders. The result was glorious, the man began to walk, and leap and praise God. There was no way anybody could afford not to notice the miracles, even their greatest critiques agreed that it was an undeniable miracle. The God of wonders is still around; He is the same yesterday, today and forever more, and he can do a miracle in your life even now.

5. Paul raised a dead man named Eutychus see Acts 20:7-12

I can mention many instances of God's wonders and miracles in the lives of ordinary people in this world. God have priviledged us to see many modern day miracles. Miracles are still happening today and I pray that you will experience one even now.

God of Wonders 1

We are serving a God of wonders! His words are full of wonders, His acts are all beyond comprehension. He is God indeed, the Omnipotent, the Omniscient and ALMIGHTY; he can do all things. I cannot but wonder at the magnitude of His creation, when I see some mountains and seas, I cannot but wonder at the craftiness and wisdom with which all these things are put together.

Consider the vastness of the earth, consider the great natural resources, the animals, the life in the oceans and seas: the fact that the Almighty God made all these things for His pleasure. The North America is so big, I do not think one man can travel the length and breadth of it on foot in one year, not to talk about traveling the whole wide world on foot in a life time . No wonder the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 3:11,

"He hath made everything beautiful in His time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end".

His wonders are so numerous that no man can find out ALL of His great works in the land of the living. When you consider the stars in their numbers; the fact that we have more than one hundred million galaxies of stars and each galaxy of stars contains more than one hundred billion stars. The milky way is the galaxy that the sun of our solar system belongs have more than one hundred billion stars, the sun is just one of those stars.

There are many stars in the galaxy that are far bigger than the sun, and yet the sun is many times bigger than our earth. All these things are created by the Almighty God. This knowledge should make you fear God the more: it should drive you to want to know Him more: it should drive you to love Him more that He still count you worthy to be created in His own image.

Friday, 22 January 2016

What Is God's Sure Will On Financial Prosperity

It is the perfect will of God for you and everyone else on earth to prosper and succeed beyond your wildest imagination. You need to know and believe this statement of fact made above for you to enjoy the power it conveys. 3John 2 states that, "Beloved, I wish above ALL things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospereth." That is a full assuarance from the mouth of God that his will for you is to be financially prosperous and buoyant.

If you consider the above statement, and take a closer look at the last clause, "...even as thy soul prospereth"This tells us that our success is tied to how we develop our souls. When we talk about the soul of man we are refering to five important aspects of him; they are as follows: man's will, his emotion, his memory, his intellect and his imagination. These five areas of your life must be fully developed and mastered for you to actually prosper in life but the good news is that everyone of us can do it.

The Bible tells us the mind of God which states that "I (God) wish above all things that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. This implies that if your soul does not prosper, God cannot wish you beyond the level of the development of your soul. What is the implication of that? Simple, start developing all the five aspects of your soul; your will, emotion, memory, intellect and imagination. For example your emotion can lead you to failure if you do not learn to tame it and control it, most people are brought down by their emotion of anger, some by their insataible lust for sex and so on. When you develop this emotional powers that God gave you and channel it to positive and productive purposes, you will experience success unlimited.

The imaginative part of your soul is a very potent instrument that determines many things in your life. Most things depends on it, how rich you will ever be is tied to how you use this power of your soul called imagination. God is not partial, everybody will get what he or she sows in life, it is impossible to use your imagination right and still get a wrong result. Sometime there may be some delays, if you will continue to channel your imagination to do the right things, you will encounter great success and prosperity that will baffle you and your greatest critique.

God says, "I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers." Another aspect of your soul that is important is your will. Your will is the power in you to choose or decide, and stay with that decision, the will to move on in spite of the difficulties, the will to do that difficult task. This will is a power that will take you from broke to great wealth, if you develop that will and use it rightly, it will lead you to great prosperity and wealth.

At a point in my life I thought that it was not the will of God for my life to prosper, but when I discovered the above secret, things changed for the better in my life. The secret of great success is self development, if you want your business to prosper and succeed greatly, start developing yourself. Every business or organization cannot prosper more than the level of the main man behind it. 

The Mystery of Money

Money is the medium of exchange, a means whereby we are rewarded for our labour. Money is the means by which we exchange our goods or services for others with convenience that is acceptable to all and sundry. Money is not evil, the love of it may be the root of evil. Money in itself is neither good nor bad. One thing is sure however, "money answers all things"

Some people have said that money is life, since according to their reasoning, your money determnies the type of lifestyle you will lead, it determines the kinds of company you will keep and so many things. Your money has a lot to do with your life, and one way or the other, there is something mysterious about money. Every time I look at people in this world, I found out that the most hard working people are not the richest; the most intelligent people sometimes suffer lack of money. I am humbled to see seemingly un-serious people becoming rich, some street boys hitting millions as a result of success in sports, internet biz or music.

I begin to notice that money has an underlining power which is attractable only by those who understand it. Those who become rich do so with little or no effort. It seem to me that they understand how to attract money, they know how to use money to make more money. Many people that were brilliant in school have ended up becoming poor and some who were regarded as dull in school, have become stupendously rich to the admiration of even the brilliant ones. Some of the former dullards have become employers of the brilliant ones.

Why is money so mysterious? What is the secret behind money acquisition? If you desire to make cool money in large quantity, you need a good understanding of the answers to the above questions. Why do some people struggle all their lives to make money but end up being broke or even poor? I do not claim to have answers to all these question, but I want to suggest the following points which I believe can help anyone understand the mystery of money, and how to get wealth without struggling in life.

The first fact I came to understand in my research about money is the fact that money is a spirit. The fact that the Bible says that it can develop wings and fly away gives credence to this assertion. Since money is a spirit, it answers only to those who can woo it. It is liken to wisdom which you can aquire by desire, and by seeking with all your heart the knowledge that brings understanding and eventual wisdom. So you have to understand that there is a right and wrong way to seek for money.

Many people are truly looking for money, they may have good intention but some of them are seeking money the wrong way and so can not be rich. The fact is this, money flows to a good idea. The beginning of a good desire for wealth should be the generation of a good idea that has the proper foundation in helping other people to become better in life. If you have an idea that can help someone solve a problem, an idea that can help someone live better, happier, and with more convenience, then money will flow into that idea in large quantity making you a wealthy man or woman in the process.

Money does not discriminate, handsome and beautiful people who knows how to court money will have it and at the same time, urgly and handicapped people who knows how to will also have their fill. I have seen so many deformed people control millions of dollars and have on their pay roll able bodied, intelligent and hansome men. Whoever you are, black or white, the same principles apply; gone are the days when the white men think that black men were inferior. Money does not answer to the color of your skin, it answers to the desire of your heart and your understanding of the law of money acquisition. It does not answer to your level of literacy either, it answers to your ability to produce goods or services that others can use to their own advantage.

How do you begin to accumulate great wealth?

The starting point is a hot desire for money. You cannot acquire what you do not desire. With this burning desire, you must also have it settled in your heart what you are willing to do to get the wealth you so fondly desire. In other words, what are you willing to do, what are you willing to give to the world, to humanity, as a service or as a product? If you do not have anything to give, any worthy cause to give your time and life to, then I am sorry to inform you that you are not ready for wealth, and to you money will continue to be a mystery, a mirage in the desert.